Midjourney Cheat Sheet: Become Pro in Midjourney

Make your images more accurate and engaging with these Midjourney cheat sheets.

But the real question is if Everything is given in Midjourney Documentation then why do we need it from you

Well, you are right Everything is given in the Midjourney documentation


Not everything is given in one place. You just have to research everything on the Midjourney website and then paste it on the Discord server. It takes a lot of time and patience to move from Discord to a website.

For example – Let’s say you are making a wonderful image and you want to upscale the image, what you do is go to the Midjourney documentation and find the command for upscaling your image and you found out and paste it on discord.

Totally a time waste but why?

Because when you generated a Midjourney image in the discord server and jump to the documentation for commands and return back you will see your image is not showing there because you are not the single person creating the image in that midjourney channel. A lot of users are creating images in the same channel as you are.

Note: In the Midjourney Discord server, many users create the images at the same time. if you want some changes in your image you must be quick.

So either you have to learn all the Midjourney commands or just bookmark this page and use any command whenever you want.

Midjourney Cheat sheet

Midjourney prompt engineering is a skill and you have to master it to make great images which will give a good first impression.

We provide every sort of Midjourney command and parameter cheatsheet and we will update these list time to time.

you can use these commands in the Midjourney Discord server

/askGet an answer to a question
/blendEasily blend two images together
/daily_themeToggle notification pings for the #daily-theme channel update
/imagineGenerate an image using a prompt
/docsQuickly generate a link to topics covered in this user guide!
/describeWrites four example prompts based on an image you upload
/faqQuickly generate a link to popular prompt craft channel FAQs
/fastSwitch to Fast mode
/helpShows helpful basic information and tips about the Midjourney Bot
/infoView information about your account and any queued or running jobs
/stealthSwitch to Stealth mode(For Pro plan users)
/publicSwitch to public mode(For Pro plan users)
/subscribeGenerate a personal link for a user’s account page
/settingsView and adjust the Midjourney Bot’s settings
/showUse an images Job ID to regenerate the Job within Discord
/relaxSwitch to relax mode
/remixToggle Remix mode

Midjourney Parameters Cheat Sheet

The parameters are basically some options used after the prompt to generate some sort of specific image. Like setting up Aspect ratio and changing model version etc.

  1. Aspect ratio

–aspect or -ar = Change the Aspect ratio of Art generation

  • –ar 1:1 Default aspect ratio
  • –ar 5:4 Common frame and print ratio
  • –ar 3:2 common to print photography
  • –ar 7:4 close to HD TV screens and smartphone screens

2. Chaos

–chaos <number 0-100> or –c = Change how varied the results will be. Higher values produce more unusual and unexpected generations

The default value of chaos is 0 and providing no value to chaos gives you no variation in images each time job is run

Ex – imagine/ prompt Dog as a space commander --c 0

3. Image weight

–iw = Sets image prompt weight relative to text weight. The default value is –iw 0.25

4, No

–no = Negative prompting, --no grass would try to remove grass from the image.

5. Quality

--quality <.25, .5, or 1>, or --q <.25, .5, or 1> = How much rendering quality time you want to spend. The default value is 1. Higher values use more GPU minutes; lower values use less.

--quality only accepts the values: .25, .5, and 1 for the current model. Larger values are rounded down to 1

–quality works with models 4, 5, and Niji 5

6. Repeat

--repeat <1–40>, or --r <1–40> Create multiple Jobs from a single prompt. --repeat is useful for quickly rerunning a job multiple times

–repeat is available for standard and pro subscribers

  • –repeat is available for standard and pro subscribers
  • –repeat accepts values 2-10 for standard subscribers
  • –repeat accepts value 2-40 for pro subscribers

7. Seed

--seed <integer between 0–4294967295> Midjourney bot uses a seed number to create a field of visual noise, like television static, as a starting point to generate the initial image grids. Seed numbers are generated randomly for each image but can be specified with the –seed or –sameseed parameter. Using the same seed number and prompt will produce similar ending images

Also Read – Midjourney tips and trick for beginners

8. Stop

--stop <integer between 10–100> Use the --stop parameter to finish a Job partway through the process. Stopping a Job at an earlier percentage can create blurrier, less detailed results.

  • If you want a blurrier image at any point you can use –stop
  • The default value of –stop is 100
  • –stop does not work while upscaling images

9. Style

  • –style Switch between versions of the Midjourney Model Version 5.1
  • –style <4a, 4b, or 4c> Switch between versions of the Midjourney Model Version 4
  • –style Switch between versions of the Niji Model Version 5.

10. Stylize

--stylize <number>, or --s <number> parameter influences how strongly Midjourney’s default aesthetic style is applied to Jobs

–stylize default value is 100 and accepts a range from 0-1000 when using the default v4 model.

Version5Version 4Version 3Test/TestpNiji
Stylize Default10010025002500NA
Stylize Range0-10000-1000625-600001250-5000NA

11. Tile

--tile parameter generates images that can be used as repeating tiles to create seamless patterns

Related – How to buy and change Midjourney Subscription

Upscaling and Remaster Midjourney images


Upscaling is making a more detailed version of the previous image. In other words, we can say that making High Definition(HD) image from previously generated images.

Midjourney creates 4 images in a grid so we can use U1, U2,U3 and U4 to upscale images

You can learn more about upscaling images in Midjourney here


Remaster is an option available to upscale images that are generated with previous versions.

Remaster will create a new grid of images with the settings of v 5.1(Latest version)

You can select Remaster button beneath the upscale.

Midjourney Model Version Cheat Sheet

There are a lot of versions available in Midjourney that you can use to generate images. The latest version is V5.1

--niji An alternative model focused on anime-style images

--version <1, 2, 3, 4, or 5> or --v <1, 2, 3, 4, or 5> Use a different version of the Midjourney algorithm

if you want to make any image specifically in a certain version you can write a prompt like this

Ex – /imagine prompt vibrant California poppies –v 5

and if you don’t write any version Midjourney will make an image with the latest version.

Also Read – Midjourney Promo code

Midjourney Control phrase Cheat Sheet

These descriptions are based on v4

cinematicShadows tend to be more extreme (though not darker); objects a bit thicker; more poster-like
color gradingExtreme variations in hue; vibrant but not over-saturated colors
depth of fieldsharp focus on subject, background and foreground blurred
film lightingLimited lighting sources; backlighting common; deep shadows cast by light sources
rim lightingSlighting stronger lighting effect than “film lighting,” but very similar results
intricate – Tends toward non-realistic “crafts” and “pattern” type designs.
photographyVery simplified pen-on-paper type line sketch of the subject with few or no additional elements
tilt-shiftLike “depth of field,” but from above or with high angle
motion-blurThe subject tends to have a little area of objects around it with little else in the background
35mm filmMore variations of vibrant colors, but muted saturation, detailed with additional foreground and/or background elements
soft focusSpeed lines. May render as if the wind is blowing
minimalist line artsharp focus on the subject, background and foreground blurred
high definitionShadows are lightened; more fanciful and saturated colors
8kLighting tends to be more extreme; colors even more saturated and computer-generated looking than “high definition”

End Note

As you have seen all the Cheatsheets regarding Midjourney Commands, parameters and style. These Cheatsheets will help you to make awesome and engaging images with Midjourney. Make the most amazing visuals and stories with Midjourney by utilizing these amazing commands.

We are hoping that this article helped you in discovering the best secrets of Midjourney. If you like this post share it with your friends and bookmark this to use it whenever you want.

You can read more about Midjourney on this website.

Must read

How to add Midjourney bot to Private discord Server

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