Wonderchat.io Review: Build AI Chatbot

Wonderchat.io Review

Wonderchat.io is an AI chatbot builder. This awesome website can create an AI chatbot for your website with just a website link.

You can make a chatbot in just a click and this chatbot will answer any question related to your website. This website uses the ChatGPT 3.5 version to create a chatbot for you.

Sounds great?

Let me deep dive further into this elegant chatbot builder

We will see the functionality, popular use cases and pricing of wonderchat.io

Popular use cases of Wonderchat.io

Wonderchat.io will help users to create AI chatbot for their website under 2 minutes with just a site link. The chatbot made with Wonderchat can self-serve when embedded in the website.

It will scan your website and give you an answer based on your site and if it gets wrong it can correct itself.

You can give ratings too, positive or negative to improve this AI chatbot.

It can help to engage and provide excellent support to the customers.

How to start with Wonderchat.io

  • Make an account with Wonderchat by following this link –
  • You will find a magic link on Gmail , try to log in with that link
  • You will see this type of interface after login in to Wonderchat
wonderchat.ai dashboard
  • Click on the Create bot
  • You have to write the bot name (This must be an official name of your brand/website)
  • You can add an avatar, or chatbot color according to your choice
  • Add your website URL in site link and click on the Create bot
  • Voila, your AI chatbot is created, you can embed this AI chatbot into your website

For Embedding on the website

  • Click on the three dots(below actions), you will see a lot of options
  • Click on Embed to the website, you will find a code to add in to your website.
  • Make sure you add this code at the end of the </body> tag or { Between <body> </body> }

Functions in wonderchat.io

You can perform certain functions in wonderchat.io

First, you can embed the ai chatbot into your website.

You will get the dashboard and some features in the wonderchat.io website through which you can see how your chatbot is performing in real time.

Chatlogs: You will see the chatlogs feature through which you can see all the chats, user’s questions and ai chatbot responses.There is one parameter like positive, negative, and neutral – If the user upvotes or downvotes the content, it will be positive or negative, respectively. If the user does not vote for anything, the chat will come under the neutral tab. So it is a good feature to improve your ai chatbot.

Correctness: You can correct the answer for the chatbot if it has not given the optimal answer to the user. For this feature, you have to be on a paid plan.

Analytics: You will see analytics sections, and here you can see the total chat sessions and the total messages in a week and month. Here you can see the average number of messages per chat session, which means how many times a particular user interacted with the chatbot.

Wonderchat.io Pricing

There are four bands in wonderchat.io subscriptions

we will see the pricing in tables to understand it clearly

Lite $49$42

Basically, If you take a yearly subscription, you have to pay for 10 months.

Plan featuresFreeLiteBasicTurboPro
Webpages per chatbot5010002500500010000
PDFs per chatbot1020050010002000
Customizable chatbots12345


Wonderchat.io is a great AI chatbot builder. It gives us a lot of functionality to experiment with our website. The main advantage of this chatbot is it can automatically scan your website time to time and analyze and then give answers appropriately.
You can try this for free and if you like it you can go for its subscription.

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